As an outgrowth of his internal investigation practice, Jonathan was appointed in 2013 by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana as the Monitor over the New Orleans Police Department. Jonathan leads a team of former police chiefs, internationally-known professors, and other professionals who collectively are responsible for reviewing, assessing, and reporting publicly on the NOPD’s compliance with a far-reaching federal Consent Decree. In that role, he has been integrally involved in overseeing the transformation of what has historically been one of the nation’s most troubled law enforcement agencies. He has spent his time meeting with citizens, business leaders, and civil rights attorneys, in addition to riding along with the police officers themselves in order to ensure that the consent decree is enforced fairly.
As a corollary to his work in New Orleans, Jonathan helped to create and guide the development of Ethical Policing is Courageous (EPIC), the country’s first department-wide peer intervention program for police officers.
In order to make active bystandership available to police departments across the country, Jonathan co-founded the Georgetown/Sheppard Mullin Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Project, for which he serves pro bono as chairperson of the Project’s Board of Advisors. Jonathan’s leadership has been instrumental in helping ABLE to change the culture in more than 400 police departments across North America, which serve more than 100 million Americans.
Jonathan Aronie has written more than 100 articles, authored or co-authored three books, and speaks nationally on a wide range of topics, including procurement law, corporate ethics, and compliance programs, organizational integrity, and constitutional policing. He lectures frequently for the FBI National Academy.